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Request Rules

JSON files inside app/request-rules can modify or block the network request. The below rule block the network request if the URL contains


  "$schema": "",
  "rules": [
      "action": {
        "type": "block"
      "condition": { 
        "urlFilter": "" 
  "enabled": true

Note: To block or modify network request, we need declarativeNetRequest or declarativeNetRequestWithHostAccess permission. Please learn more here.


  "permissions": {
    "required": ["declarativeNetRequest"]

Now, if you try to visit, it will fail.


Each network rules is defined by three fields:

  • action: The action to take when the rule is matched.
  • condition: The condition under which this rule is triggered.
  • priority: The priority of the rule which should be >= 1. Learn more about matching precedents here.


A boolean value indicates whether the rule should be enabled by default.

Enable or disable rules on runtime

Network rules can be enabled or disabled at runtime. From the above block-mozilla code, we change the enabled to false.


  "$schema": "",
  "rules": [
      "action": {
        "type": "block"
      "condition": { 
        "urlFilter": "" 
  "enabled": false

If you visit, it will work since the rule is disabled. We can enable the rule by using declarativeNetRequest.updateEnabledRulesets.

Vanilla JSapp/action.js


const enableMozillaRule = () => {
  declarativeNetRequest.updateEnabledRulesets({ enableRulesetIds: ['block-mozilla'] });

function Action() {
  return <div onClick={enableMozillaRule}>Enable Network Rule</div>


After you click the Enable Network Rule from action popup, the will be blocked.

Note: For enableRulesetIds & disableRulesetIds of updateEnabledRulesets method, please use the filename of the request rules. In the above example, we used block-mozilla which is the filename of the network rule.